Meet Your Girlfriend in 90 Days - Guaranteed.

Suck at dating apps? Don't wanna still be alone when you're 30? Tap in.

Learn how my students find love in just 15 minutes a day:

Grab a spot on my calendar


"Isaac understands modern dating better than any of these gurus on the internet. And more importantly, he's a real dude who gets how to teach it"


- Freddy F.



7+ Years of Experience

boiled down into...

90 Days of Focused Action


1 Goal:

Getting you the Girl of your Dreams.

What's up, I'm Isaac

I help normal dudes meet awesome girls by applying timeless principles to modern dating.

By being a little smarter, a little braver and learning the right skills, we can beat out the assholes and the players as our dorky ol’ selves

...without weird pickup lines, cringy hacks or pretending to be someone we’re not.

Seven years ago,

I was just an insecure dude with acne and low key social anxiety. 


It scared me to even look at a girl I liked, and talking to her would literally make me shake

I started a journey to figure out dating and finally get the girls I wanted

I talked to hundreds of girls, on the street, in broad daylight

I put in hours on dating apps, trying to “crack the code”

Through the dates and rejections, I learned what works, what doesn’t, and most importantly,


How to get better over time.


You see, plenty of dudes were born good with girls

But very few know what it’s like to truly suck ass and still find a way to win

I know how to TEACH dating because I lived it

I started exactly where you are now: shit with girls, hating it, and not sure what to do

And I ended up exactly where you want to be: going on tons of awesome dates before settling down with the girl of my dreams

If you wanna learn how I did it, schedule a free call

I’ll walk you through my whole system from start to finish:

The complete gameplan of how I lived the dating life of a beast as an average Joe and met my wonderful girlfriend.

Without hacks, shortcuts or cringy pickup lines

Just focused action, 15 minutes a day

Talk with Isaac

Imagine Waking Up Next to Your Dream Girl Every Morning

In my Flagship 90 Day Challenge, I arm you with the tools to make it reality

  • 1-on-1 call with me every week for quick, personalized help (fuck wading through long ass "courses" of generic advice) 
  • Custom plan built around your personality, schedule and lifestyle, so you never have to guess what to do next
  • Step-by-step progression to meet girls IRL specifically made for introverts
  • Simple guide for turning lame conversations flirty so you always know what to say
  • Unique approach to get you rolling in dates from your couch, EVEN IF online dating has never worked for you
  • 24/7 text access to my personal number so you never have to feel stuck
Schedule a Call with Isaac

Stop Wasting Hours

...doing shit that doesn't work.

My time-tested method uses practical psychology to improve your dating skills fast af and get you the results you actually want.

In less than 90 days, guaranteed.

1 Straightforward System
2 Smart Habits
15 minutes a day

I don't sell "promises."

I Guarantee Results.

I’m so confident in my program, I GUARANTEE you’ll meet your girlfriend in 90 days.

Otherwise, I work for you for free until you do.

Schedule a Call with Isaac